I'm Telling Mom
I'm Telling Mom, the podcast about 3 brothers catching up, playing games, annndddd... creating disappointing cliff-hangers. Join Clase, Mason, and Landen each and every Tuesday as they reminisce on simpler times, growing up in the 90s, find the hilarious side of adulting, and play the dumbest games their brains can possibly conceive. If you've been looking for a podcast that joins together hilarious stupidity, brotherly love, and TINY nuggets of wisdom and lesser-known facts, look no further! Jump on in, the waters warm... (you can thank Mason for that)!
130 episodes
128. The End of ITM...?
Hey there Okee Dokie Babies, Sincerely, thank you so much for sticking with us this far. You've really made the journey super fun for us, and we've loved getting to know so many of you. Here's our unscripted, raw discussio...

127. Little Life Lessons (and Imponderables)
"Life is our greatest teacher." -Probably some smart person long ago In this episode, the three boys bounce down memory lane and share small nuggets of truth we've found along the way. Game titles include: Imponderables, Churc...

126. Influencers Influencing
Welcome back you hob-knobblers and slick-sloopers. SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON FOR A CHERRY CREAM PIE AND LETS JUST JUMP RIGHT INTO IT! In this episode, the boys scrounge around the darkest parts of the interwebs to uncover the wor...

125. Stupid Criminals
Some criminals are smart. Some aren't. We typically find the latter MUCH more interesting! Join us this week as we slip into something a little more comfortable, pour a nice glass of raspberry soda pop, and look out the backyard window...

124. Murder is OKAY!
Our legal team here at ITM Studios told us that we have to clarify that murder, in fact, is not okay... (homicide sometimes is though). Take a gander in this weeks' episode as the brothers talk through the logistics of 'Kill Or Be ...

123. Sounds Racist... But Isn't (Perspective Conversations)
You know what our highly-diverse and politically-correct society needs right now? The opinions of three privileged white men. So, here we are. Delivering the goods. In all honesty, this is a pretty stellar epi...

122. Mason's Mystery Box
Mason-Money spends like any other world currency, so it makes sense why Clase spends so long in this episode tearing down Landen's psyche to understand if he's lying about owning one or not. Know what else no family has ever fought ove...

121. A Modern Titanic Experience
What if I told you that the boys had never seen the movie, Titanic until this week? What if I told you that we loved it so much we had to experience it first-hand? Hypothetically, what if Clase had Mason and Landen drop "los trousers" ...

120. Di Why?
Carrot flutes? Carrot sculptures? Carrot go mouth? If Do-It-Yourself projects are your thing, click away now, because absolutely... we will leave you dissatisfied and spiraling down a disheveled avenue as you stroke your massive ch...

119. Niché Communities: Bronies (My Little Pony)
Okee dokee, babies... in this installment of "Niché Communities", Mason sits down with a self-proclaimed ex-Brony to understand the community and the psychology therein. What's your opinion on men who enjoy and identify with the 'My Li...

118. Drnk
EDIT: We do apologize in advance for this episode. Its R-rated, and we arent proud of everything said... but we love that you can see into some of the messiness that is our brotherhood. If you're easily offended or don't appreciate crude humor,...

117. Furry Friendships (ft. Dan the Furry)
Furries, we come in peace! No really, we just have some questions. Rather than try and speculate answers for those questions, Landen thought it’d be better to interview someone that calls themselves a furry. So sit back, relax...

116. Celebrities Who Suck (R. Kelly)
Hey all you puddn’ pops, what do you think R. Kelly and Bill Cosby have in common? They both suck! *age preference may vary though* Mason’s segment is all about nice deeds done by potentially crappy celebrities. (No you idiot sandwich, we don’t...

115. Office D&D, Part III
Ah, the joy of imaginative adventure, where one can truly separate themselves from the dreary real world and instead traverse new lands... oh wait. These guys don't know how to play D&D because they're playing regular interns in a corporate...

114. Circus Acts
Ladies and gentleman, children of all ages, welcome to the big tent! Marvel in wonder, gasp in awe, and giggle with glee at the wonders that await within this episode dedicated to circus acts. Will Clase pursue his dream of driving off a ramp a...

113. Inappropriate Advertisements (All About Sponsors!)
Ouurrrrrr SPONSORRRR! Welcome to the episode all about the wild, wacky, and inflatable world of I'm Telling Mom Sponsors. If you've been around these parts for awhile, you may be aware we have a host of paying products, companies, ...

112. World Records (Setting New Ones!)
Hear ye! Hear ye! Young and old! Lend me your ears! No, seriously, we need 340 ears to break the world record... BE IT WEIRD, DIRTY, DUMB, or all three... I'm Telling Mom has collected some of the greatest World Records ever r...

111. Golden Boyfriend Ideas
Hark dear sweet listeners, do you hear that? It’s the sound of throbbing heartstrings, gushing at the voices of three brothers offering golden boyfriend ideas. Or rather… two brothers offering one or two actual golden ideas in between ...

110. Desserts, Infinite Numbers, and Charts (The Pie Episode)
Happy 2 Year Anniversary! Yep, that’s right, the brothers have been pumping out weekly podcast episodes for 2 years straight. That’s gotta be a record….right? So why not celebrate with an entire episode dedicated to pie, pi, a...

109. Earth, Water, Fire, Hookers (The Elements)
Get your safe words ready listeners, this episode is gonna get weird. Three mini-segments come from the mind of Clase, as he challenges Mason and Landen with death trivia (Who Died By What Now?), a twisted game of rock, paper, scissors...

108. Conspiracy Corner: Underwater Aliens & Other Things
Do aliens exist under our deep oceans? Did Netflix cause mass havoc on purpose? And perhaps the biggest question of them all: is Mason’s micropeen really the best? Join the DeGraff brothers as they take a deep dive (but not too deep, a...

107. Subsequent Movie Films
Prepare yourself for tomato throwing as the boys become movie critics in this episode featuring well-known movies that you didn’t know had sequels. I mean really, Home Alone 5?! Enjoy your trip down memory lane as classics such as Winn...

106. Historical Idiots
Four score and a just few days ago, the DeGraff brothers embarked on a journey to discover historical idiots of history… of the historic kind. Before this though, you will be challenged to think: have I ever killed anyone? Should whole...